Community Service


Investing in People

At Hire Velocity, success isn’t just about the bottom line. We believe investing in the lives of others makes our communities a better place to live and work while also meeting critical needs around us. Our employees participate in one-on-one interactions, food drives, fundraisers, and other projects both on an individual basis and as part of organization-wide initiatives. We’re proud to support these charitable organizations that serve our communities’ children, families, and individuals. Visit them online to find out how you can get involved.

Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities

ronald-mcdonald-house-charities-atlanta-logo-e1455746629865Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities provides support for children with medical needs and their families. By providing these families with a caring and comforting environment, Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities makes it possible for family members to better meet the critical needs of children and provide the support they need for treatment and recovery.

Hire Velocity employees participate by volunteering to prepare and serve meals to residents and family members at various times throughout the year. We also collect soda can pull tabs to raise money and awareness for our local chapter.

Children’s Miracle Network

CMNMarkChildren’s Miracle Network hospitals provide treatment, surgeries, patient visits, emergency room care, and vital equipment to meet the needs of children. Hire Velocity participates in the annual Thanksgiving food drive, providing local families with a special meal to brighten the holiday season.

Project Angel Tree

AngelTreeATLLogo2Project Angel Tree depends on local donations to provide toys, books, and clothing to underprivileged children. Hire Velocity helps make the holidays more special for these children and their families by assisting with donations and collections.

Hiring Our Heroes

HireOurHeroesHiring Our Heroes helps veterans, military spouses, and transitioning service members obtain jobs. Their vision is to reduce the unemployment rate among veterans by connecting them with employers who need their skills and to promote talent acquisition strategies that keep veterans in the workforce. At Hire Velocity, honoring veterans is critical to our mission, with nearly 1 in 10 employees having served in the military. We participate in Hiring Our Heroes job fairs to recruit talented heroes not only for our clients but also Hire Velocity.

Atlanta Community Food Bank Hunger Walk/Run

acfblogo2013Each spring, the Atlanta Community Food Bank sponsors a 5k walk/run to support hunger relief. ACFB uses the funds they raise through this event to operate shelters, food pantries, community kitchens, and other food assistance programs. Hire Velocity members donate and participate in the Hunger Walk/Run to help raise awareness in the community for the valuable work of the ACFB.

Why We Do What We Do

We place high value on service and outreach opportunities because we believe people are always a great investment. We’re thankful to serve alongside some dedicated individuals and organizations that make our world a better place.

“Friends like you make it possible for Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities to best serve our families. Coming home from the hospital to a freshly prepared meal, made by people who care, is a real gift.”

Cat Lewis

Volunteer Manager, Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities

“As a child that grew up dealing with chronic asthma and bronchitis, serving at the Ronald McDonald House dinner was dear to my heart. The looks of gratitude on the faces of those we served and the conversations that we had with the children and their relatives really made me think of how fortunate I am.”

Roderick Meadows

Team Lead, Hire Velocity